Social Responsibility

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Demonstrating respect for ethical values, the people, communities and the environment and collaborating in the construction of the wellness.

Viakon is a Viakable brand, where Social Business Responsibility is understood as a consciously and coherently commitment, to fully meet the goals of the company through strategies, practice and programs positively impacting their stakeholders. In this way we contribute to economic, social and environmental sustainability.

In each of our operations we seek to perform our activities always within a framework of respect and commitment enabling us to build positive and constructive relationships with people from the community, their culture and traditions, as well as with their environment.

Our model

Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development

Ethic and Values
Viakable distinguishes for being an integral company with strict ethical principles. Its relationships, businesses and operations are governed by its code of ethics and values; this has earned the trust of collaborators, clients, vendor partners and the community around us. Always committed to follow the laws and the ethical and moral principles with transparency and truth.
One essential part of our operation is the proper management of resources we used to produce in an efficient manner, this is why we continually analyze and integrate initiatives for improvement in our critical and relevant processes in order to mitigate environmental impact of our operations and to reduce costs. Within our most relevant supplies are: water, energy and material consumption, same as emissions and waste. One fundamental aspect to reinforce the efficient exploitation of resources at Viakable is to work with our collaborators during the year on a culture of environmental responsibility through awareness campaigns, workshops, events and activities.
Our People
Our most important asset for the success of each of our businesses is our human capital, this is why we maintain worthy, respectful, collaborative and communicative work spaces everywhere we have operations. We are committed to promote an open and inclusive environment, in which each collaborator feels highly motivated, productive and committed to foster personal and business success through superior execution, seeing always continuous improvement and innovation. We continually monitor and listen to our collaborators in order to know how satisfied they are with the work environment, their activities, work conditions and what we offer them.
We are a company aiming to transform the communities where we operate, generating win-win relationships through social initiatives, where civilian organizations and us participate voluntarily. We are also committed to invest time, expertise, knowledge and resources to diverse activities impacting improvement of living conditions and development of the communities where we operate. These are relevant initiatives both for sustainability of those around us as well as for our organization.

At Viakon we are greatly interested in strengthening our values through ongoing campaigns to help us reinforce knowledge and practice of the same, and obedience to what is established in our corporation's Ethic Code.


  • Respect for the Person
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Focus on the Client
  • Team Spirit

Drawing Smiles

Through the “Dibujando Sonrisas” Association (Drawing Smiles), our collaborators have the opportunity to sponsor children in communities in vulnerable situations, both in municipalities in our state of Nuevo Leon and out of the same. These sponsorships are based on basic needs such as clothing and shoes and the intention is to provide a better life to all those people who mostly need it.

Forming Entrepreneurs

“Formando Emprendedores” and Viakable join forces through several initiatives to foster an entrepreneurial culture at the state schools. These are several projects we have worked together on since 2009:

  • Young Entrepreneurs
  • Advantages
  • Success Skills
  • Partners for One Day
  • Little Citizens
  • Business Entrepreneurs


Transforming lives

The ”Transformando Vidas” initiative was born with the intention to help Collaborators from Viakable and from all of Xignux through massive funding schemes, which may be applied in cases of natural disasters and medical contingencies. This scheme is intended to help our collaborators in situations of contingency, to foster a culture of collaboration among all employees of the different business units of the group and to conclude all projects as success cases.

Cruz Roja (Red Cross)

As part of our social commitment with the community and in recognition of the great need to have emergency medical services of quality and collaborating indirectly through economic contributions, Viakon and their collaborators have supported the Cruz Roja de Monterrey, and non-profit organization, of social interest and voluntary providing services to the population in risk and/or suffering disastrous situations.

In demonstration of respect for ethical values, for the communities and for the environment, Xignux publishes its Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Report to communicate the most relevant practices Xignux and its affiliate enterprises are engaged on in matters social responsibility.

In the Message from the General Director contained in this report, Mr. Juan Ignacio Garza Herrera explains how the publication of said report responds to the trust our stakeholders have placed on Xignux and its companies: "At our company we are very clear that the growth and impact we have had as an organization derives primarily from the confidence placed on us throughout our history. We expect that the present effort of communication and transparency helps everyone know an important part of the fruits of this confidence, same which motivate us to continue working intensively in favor of generating more and better opportunities for sustainable development for everyone."

The Report contains general information about the profile, history and development of our organization, as well as diverse examples of actives realized in harmony with our Model of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of Xignux and each of their four courses of action, which are the following: Ethic and Values, Resources and Environment, Quality of Life at the Company and Relationship with the Community.

Social Responsibility is constituted thanks to the efforts of all collaborators and we thank them for becoming important actors in the construction of said report, and with further invite them to become leading players in the pursue of sustainable development at Xignux and its companies.

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