Frequent Questions
How do I find the definition of the acronyms used in the site?
For more information on what are the definitions for some of the terms and acronyms used in the site, please visit the Glossary of Terms.
How do I get technical assistance?
Viakon provides, through an experienced team of people, technical assistance on products and their application in different usage scenarios. For more information about the main services and functions of this equipment, please visit the Technical Assistance section.
How do I get the Electrician’s Manual?
To download the manual in electronic format (PDF) you must register through the link provided in the section of the Electrician Manual. For more information on obtaining this book in print, please send us a message through our contact form and select the topic “Technical Support and Service.”
What is the size I need for a particular application?
To determine the size needed for an application, you must perform a series of calculations and / or go to some reference tables. For more information, please refer to the following documents:
- Electrician Manual Pages 61-72 Parameters of cables.
- Electrician Manual Pages 75-126 Current carrying capacity tables.
What is the current that supports each caliber?
It depends primarily on the area of the conductor cross section, and also the environmental conditions in which the cable is to operate: the air, directly buried in bank ducts, trays, etc. To determine exactly each case, please refer to the Electrician Manual Pages 75-126 current carrying capacity tables. For systems of high and extra-high voltage, please consult the manufacturer.
What's my nearest branch?
Viakon has presence in major cities in Mexico and in other strategic locations around the world. For your nearest location, visit the Location section.
What are the advantages of our cables against the competition?
Viakon cables meet and exceed the requirements that currently require certification bodies, national and international, thereby ensuring greater quality and safety than other brands.
Which are Viakon electronic cables that contain Escut cover?
The Viakon electronic cables containing Escut cover are used in the following application:
- Voice and Data
- Control Cables
- Instrumentation Cables
Where are Viakon Plants located?
Monterrey Plant / San Luis Plant
At what constructions have Viakon cables been installed?
Viakon continues making history pioneering high tension projects, impacting different industrial areas. Following High tension projects are presented where Viakon has participated.
Is there competence training at Cetis and Conalep schools?
With the backup of our certified distributors at Viakon Technical Talks are offered to Electricians, Contractors, Installers, students and all people interested in learning the technical characteristics of our products, as well as the right choice for different projects. We also offer Specialized Workshops for training those dedicated to provide electric energy to companies, businesses and private practice.
What certifications does Viakon count on?
Viakon is engaged with the quality of its Products, Production Processes therefore it counts with different certifications, same which can be accounted for in the Awards y Certification Section.
What is the Optimal temperature for a cable to operate?
It is the highest value that can be accounted for the temperature, in the conductor measure at any point along the cable. This temperature depends mainly on the thermal characteristics of the polimers that are used to manufacture the insulating material for the outside cover, also the installation conditions plus the operation properties of the systems where they will be installed.
Some typical values are:
Some typical values are:
- 60 °C / 140 °F
- 75 °C / 167 °F
- 90 °C / 195 °F
- 105 °C / 222 °F
What do RAD specified characteristic mean in an energy cable?
The RAD property (High Slidable Cover) corresponds to a cover for a cable which offers a low coefficient friction against the duct where it will be installed. In this manner a RAD cable can be installed with less than half of the effort, requiring a tension of minor installation, which accounts for a better management.
What needs to be done for registration at B2B?
For registration at B2B you must be an active customer, have a computer, internet access, apply for your password at this site or call 01800 3690080. To obtain the advantages of having business with Viakon, visit our section: Servicies on line B2B.
How can I visit the plant?
Viakon has a formal visitors program at Monterrey’s Plant, these visits are done from Monday through Friday from 9: 00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. To apply for a visit you must fill out a form for plant visits. To know the requirements, please visit the section: Visits to Plants..